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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Taking a Look at Prayer 8

“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”Matthew 6:6 ESV

                  It should be considered a privilege and honor to get alone with our God and commune with him in prayer. Meeting with him daily should be one of the most important things that takes place during that day. It may not be possible to shut yourself up in a small, private room or closet, but your place of private prayer could easily be in your car once you’ve arrived either home from work or at your destination during that particular day or evening. 

                  It is not so much where we pray as WHY we pray. It is the attitude of our heart that should drive our desire to commune with our God. The Pharisees were the example of how NOT to pray as they should on public street corners and raised their voices in prayer so as to appear pious in a display of their supposed religiosity. While there are times when we will pray in public, private conversation with God should take precedence in our lives. It is our way of revitalizing our souls and tapping into the power that IS God.

                  Nothing we do is unseen by our Lord. Our secrets shall be seen & heard clearly by him. This includes our prayers.  He most assuredly will hear us when we pray and will answer as he sees fit to give us the biggest benefit and blessing. Our prayers should be according to his word and not out of our own predetermined or prejudicial feelings. This is why we must read and learn the meaning of scripture. 

                  Having a humble spirit is emblematic of proper Christian living. It needs to spill over to every aspect of our walk with Christ, for it is how he lived … with a humble spirit … humble unto death. Prayer is a critical component in a Christian’s life. Do not take it lightly. Put the proper emphasis on its practice and you will reap the benefits of a closer walk with God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


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