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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Taking a Look at Prayer 7

“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.”John 17:15 NIV

            In this verse Jesus is praying to the Father for his disciples. It would be a wonderful thing to be removed from this world once we become reborn, but that isn’t how it works. Now it’s a fact that the world is typically at odds with believers in Christ. * The reason is quite simple: our values differ from theirs. We refuse to join in the sin that is prevalent in this world, therefore, we are living, breathing indictments of the world’s immorality. The agenda the world follows belongs to Satan, Christ’s greatest enemy.

            If Jesus asked for God’s protection for all Christians from Satan, then we can count on the fact that we’re protected. We have a glimpse of this protection found in Job 1:10. Satan seeks to test one of God’s children. God mentions Job, his obedient servant. The enemy says, naturally Job is going to fear God (as in revere or be in awe of), because the Lord had placed a hedge or wall of protection around him, his family, his property, his possessions. Remove all protection, says Satan, and see if he curses you. Well, we know from the account in the Book of Job that he doesn’t. 

            I present to you the thought that we have no idea how many calamities God has spared us from because of his hedge of protection. You see, the devil is a toothless lion. He can do nothing to God’s children without God’s permission. However, all bets are off if one doesn’t know the Lord. God is not obligated to save or protect anyone who isn’t his child. Give praise to God for his mercy and his protection for Christ prays for us continuously. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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