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Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Psalm 25:5 (NIV) “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.”

Truth can be defined as: 1. the quality of being true, genuine, actual, or factual; 2. something that is true as opposed to false; 3. a proven or verified principle or statement; fact.

Why is it that we find it so hard to be truthful? Without question it can be a whole lot easier to lie then to tell the truth. It is easiest to lie when you are on the move. When you are transient you can lie your way clear across the width and breadth of this great land of ours and never get caught because your associations are temporal. The “truth” of the matter is that when you get caught, as most people do, it is a very uncomfortable place to be … and it should be. Nothing positive and lasting has ever been gained by lying. It only brings pain, sorry and regret. Most importantly, the integrity that an individual may have had is gone, evaporated into the wind the moment they are found out. Integrity, credibility and trust are three characteristics that are vital in the life of any person, especially the Christian, who is supposed to be like Christ in all his thoughts, words and deeds. When they are lost, it is a very long hill they must climb to reestablish any semblance of trust back again. Many times it is lost forever … and the guilty party has absolutely no one to blame but themselves.

God IS truth. In Him there is no shadow of turning. Of all people that you will ever know, Christ will never, ever fail you or deceive you. He is the standard against which all else is to be measured. If God says it you can rely on it to be completely factual and true. This is why the Psalmist asks his Heavenly Father to “guide (him) into truth” and not just any truth but the perfect and righteous truth of Almighty God.

While there are individuals who see the need to tell what they term as “little white lies”, there are no such things. Now I believe that God understands when someone skirts the truth in an effort to avoid someone finding out something at an inopportune moment, such as telling an already grief stricken person that a loved one has died or been killed. Tenderness and compassion must rule the day in that case. The lying we are speaking of is the type the is done to cover up a misdeed as a means of deceiving another person. I have lied in my life. I regret my lies and have had to live with the consequences caused by them. I am not proud of some of the things I have said and done in my life, but they are done and in the past and all I can do is pray that those around me will be merciful and forgiving, even when they have no reason to be. In the end, there are always consequences to our words and deeds. The Biblical teaching of “reaping what you sow” comes into play every day. As simple as this concept is, it is amazing how quickly that fact escapes us as we are taken over my temptation, greed or some other form of weakness. In spite of all of this there is redemption. If we come to our God with a truly contrite heart, He will restore us spiritually. Forgiveness is one thing, but those nagging consequences are quite another and must be met.

Thank You Lord for Your unconditional forgiveness and mercy. May we all learn from our mistakes so that we never commit them ever again. In Jesus precious and powerful name … amen.


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