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Monday, October 24, 2011


1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV) "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; His love endures forever."

The love of God is an infinite thing. Infinity. Endless time. Think of falling into a large hole with no bottom and never landing, yet you are not afraid, but feel peaceful and contented. Eternity. Time without end. Not just time without end, but time without end in the presence of God, your Heavenly Father.

Love. 1 Corinthians 13 is the only detailed, concise definition of love that I am aware of. Wrapped up in that chapter is all the attributes love is to exude. Without an example, how would we ever know what love was. The bible tells us that God loved us before we even knew Him. How is that possible? It is just like parents love an unborn baby in the mother’s womb before he or she is ever born. How is that possible? Because both parents created the baby through an act of love. God created man through an act of love as well. Simply put, that is how He could love us before we ever knew Him.

Endurance. An athlete trains endless hours to build up his endurance. If he cannot make it to the end of the multi-stage race, then he has failed. While there is many a correlation between any type of foot race and our Christian walk, in our case, endurance would be more like ‘Standing the test of time’ Never wearing out.

God never gets tired; He never gets bored; never gets frazzled; never gets impatient; never withdraws His love. He is our shining example of how life CAN be if we would only step out of ourselves and think of someone, ANYONE else besides ourselves. Face it, we are a selfish creation. I am. I know I am. Not all the time. Not every moment of every day … I tend to be very giving, very unselfish at times. But my natural proclivity is to think, say and do that which will benefit me the most. Cover my hind end. Act in such a way as to give the appearance that I was in this game all by myself, left to my own skills and devices. Not true. Oh I can tend to rush ahead of God and do at times, but is that what I am SUPPOSED to do? Nope. And you know, deep down inside I know that … but the draw to be my own person and grab life by the throat to succeed can be over whelming at times. It is why I write these entries each day. It is why I pray. It is why I go to church. Because in the end I realize that I cannot do any of this by myself. And if you are honest with yourselves, you know in your heart of hearts that you cannot either.

So what is the solution? Praise God. Praise Him for who He is. Praise Him for the life you have. Thank Him for His patience with you. Ask Him to guide and direct you in the way you should go. Seek to be more like Jesus. Strive to think, say and do everything with Christ in mind. It is a challenge. Our current society seems to dictate another way, but in the end we are the losers. God knows what He is doing. He loves us with an enduring, steadfast, unconditional love that will never fail and never end. Rejoice in the fact that even though He knows all your faults and failings, He chooses to love you in spite of yourself, because you are His child.


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