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Monday, October 17, 2011

Life, love and cheese pizza ...

It's been a little while since my last post ... many changes ... heartache, disappointment, mistakes made and in the end, moving on. I am flawed to say the least, but in all my perfection I stand before God asking to be used again. Here is my latest entry ...

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes there are disappointments, sometimes high exhilaration. I find that anytime is a good time for cheese pizza. It has to be GOOD cheese pizza. Nothing frozen. Any pizza named after a famous Western Town (aka, Tombstone) can’t possibly be good … co’mon, work with me here. There are times when life gives you a stiff upper cut … you saw it coming but were unable to get out of its’ way. BAM! That smarts. In times like these I fall back on scripture … and cheese pizza (preferably with an ice cold Pepsi to wash it down … hey, I’m from Jersey … Pepsi is the drink of choice up there.).

We need to "pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again.” (which are lyrics from a famous 1960’s pop tune and make good Biblical sense as well.) My friend and now former neighbor, a minister by trade, friend by choice, gave me some very wise advice just yesterday. “You’re carrying your own baggage, you don’t need to take up someone else’s too.” Wow! That was profound. It was sent from God. It has staying power. I will probably never, ever forget those words.

I have my own issues. No doubt about it. They may not be what others think they are, but they are there. I see them peeking out from around the corner of my mind from time to time. They aim to defeat me. They easily become pawns in Satan’s attempt to side track me. You see, God loves me. He loves me with the kind of love that I find hard to comprehend. It’s that unconditional kind of love. The kind of love that doesn’t leave you when you are hurting … the kind that comforts you when you are in pain … the kind of love that encompasses your heart with such warmth and provides such serenity that you barely feel worthy of it. That is the love of God. You will be hard pressed to find it this side of heaven. Oh, occasionally you will. For a fleeting moment, a few days, weeks or months maybe, but it is scarce. In a world where God is present and followers are supposed to be at least making some sort of attempt to emulate Him, it is rare to find it. But when you do, it is a truly magnificent thing. It opens our eyes to what God is truly like. It shows us in that moment, that we need Him. We need Him more than we can ever know. It is at that very moment that we understand that we truly cannot make it in this life without Him. for as the scripture so eloquently states, “I am the vine, you are the branches, without me you can do NOTHING.” (caps are mine)

So we live our lives seeking Godly love this side of heaven. We search high and low for it not realizing that apart from God Himself, or a person being used as a conduit, it doesn’t exist. This world is decaying a little more each day. There is a reason the word ‘temporal’ is used to describe everything in this world. From the day we are born, we start to die. Yet in our travel through life, we can experience all the blessings God has laid aside for us to have if we will only seek Him over our own self-gratification.

God wants to help us accomplish this. He is waiting for us … always patiently waiting. Will we make time for Him as we rush off headlong into our day. We do this and that and allow the busyness of our day to eat up all our time, never realizing that while it seems like time is endless, the clock is always ticking and precious moments are being frittered away on so many banal trivialities.

Lord, may we re-focus. May we turn our eyes upon You, for You are standing in front of us, always with arms wide open exposing Your nail scarred hands. May we never take You for granted forever, but rather wake up to what You desire for us, the true happiness that only comes from a life immersed in You. Wake us up so we may fulfill our destiny in You, O God. May Your patience with us bear fruit this day. In Jesus name … amen.

Now go get yourself that cheese pizza; the one made by a little Italian named Guiseppe; the one that drips orange oil from the cheese and sauce mixture when you fold a slice in half length-wise … ahhh, now THAT is a good cheese pizza … and don’t forget the Pepsi. With God, things always turn out alright.


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