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Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Psalm 46:1 New Living Translation
“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”
          A ‘refuge’ is a safe house or haven; a place where we can feel and actually be safe. David announces that God, Himself, is our refuge. When we are weak and cannot go on, God is our strength. When we are down and out, so low we can barely see light, He is our ever-present help. He is omnipresent, which means that God is everywhere at the same time. His Spirit pierces the darkness that exists in this world. His presence is as a bright light turned on in a pitch-dark room. No matter what trouble we may find ourselves in, God is there in the midst of it. He always provides a way of escape from each and every temptation or difficulty. It is our responsibility to be attentive and in tune with Him so that we might recognize that escape route. The words used in the above verse are definitive and unchanging. It is not that God was or will be our refuge and strength, but rather is. The word ‘is’ encompasses past, present and future. He is constant; He never changes (Malachi 3:6). It’s like the name that He gives Himself; He is not I WAS or I WILL BE, but rather I AM (Exodus 3:18).

            “God is constant. He does not change: He does not grow; He does not evolve; He does not develop—He is not susceptible to change.  All His perfections are without variation, without addition or subtraction and without progression or mutation. He does not increase nor decrease in strength and wisdom. His glory does not fade or become more glorious; His righteousness and truth are not added to or diminished. His knowledge does not expand, and His decrees do not change. His promises are steadfast; His word remains unadjusted for all eternity.” (1)

          Christians struggle through life just as non-Christians do. The difference is that we have chosen to believe that there is a God that loves us and cares for us. For seekers of the truth, it is the one thing that seems to make sense though at the same time illogical. God’s Spirit created a spark in our soul igniting the faint ember that exists deep within every man. Relying on an unseen deity doesn’t make us weak as some would say for it requires faith and everyone has faith in something or someone. Christians happen to place their faith in an unseen God, believing in him as if He could be seen. His works are all around us, yet can only be seen by those who see thru spiritual eyes. It is in the stillness that we sense the presence of God, not in the chaotic cacophony of sound that so frequently surrounds us. God’s presence can be felt sitting on a porch in your own backyard listening to the sounds of nature. He can be found in the silent meditation of His word. It is our choice to believe as we choose. There is a right choice and a wrong choice. Only we can know in our soul what the correct choice is. It is not a heart decision, for that allows emotion to dictate the choice made. It is not a choice of the mind, for intellect is not ultimately required. Our soul cries out for love, peace and forgiveness and our soul knows from whence that comes. It only comes from the One who created it.
Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible, published by Tyndale House.
(1); Embraced by Truth … Reflections on Theology and Life; author unknown.

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