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Monday, June 4, 2018


1 Chronicles 29:11 New Living Translation
“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things.”
            This verse is the beginning of a speech King David gave before the entire congregation of Israel. His son Solomon was about to take on the immense project of making the Temple of God. David begins by saying what is already known, that Almighty God’s greatness, power and glory are unprecedented. There is no one else like him. Everything is his in the heavens and on the earth. David clearly adores his God as a child would adore a benevolent earthly father and it is wholly justified because of who we speak, the Creator of all things.
            I’d like at this time to bring up the idea of lifting up the name of the Lord before we call upon him to meet a need of ours. It’s not as if God needs to be pumped up in such a fashion. It is simply a way to acknowledge who he is and what he has done, both corporately and individually. It puts us in a right state of mind. We have the right to approach our Heavenly Father regarding anything we might have on our minds. He is keenly aware of all our wants and needs, yet we bring them to him for our sake more than his. We then are to patiently wait for his response to manifest itself in our lives. Our answers come at the perfect time ordained by God. 
            Regardless of your circumstances, praise God, for no matter what is brought to your door, or when it is brought there, it will be the exact thing you need exactly when you need it most. Because of the humanness of mortal man and his propensity to do what is wrong rather than right, he could never be completely trusted. God, on the other hand, is the only one in existence that can truly be called ‘good’ by Christ’s own admission in Mark 10:18. If he is the only ‘good’ man in existence, I think it’s a safe bet we can trust him to do what is right by us. 
            Lift up the name of the Lord in good times and bad and see how your countenance is altered. Our attitude at times has a lot to do with our decision-making. Keep focused on the difference maker in our lives and our attitude will be a shining light to those mired in darkness. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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