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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thoughts From a Random Mind

            What if others could hear everything we said? Before you speak, pretend wherever you are is bugged so that the entire world can hear every word you’re saying. Even a person you may be speaking ill about. It that were the case some of us might never speak again. It’s a fact that we ought not speak ill of anyone. Nothing positive ever comes out of it. Speaking ill of another to an uninvolved party is gossip and therefore sinful in the eyes of God. Fortunately forgiveness is available for the asking. We must learn from our mistakes and be careful not to repeat them. 
            True Christians are supposed to have a willingness to become like Jesus Christ. Imitating Christ’s behavior can only help. We are to lay our willdown and seek taking on the character of Christ. Truthfully, it’s a lifelong pursuit, but each step of the way is beneficial to our long-term goal of living a godly life. There will be mountaintops and valleys, but God is there with us at all times. We are literally never alone, despite our occasional feelings of loneliness.  Our main focal point each day is to be the Lord. It’s critical to our intimate relationship with God. We are children of the one true King. If we are within the parameters of God’s will for us then we have absolutely nothing to fear. He will see us thru each and every situation that we encounter in life. 
            A good rule of thumb is to talk less and listen more. I said “listen”, not just “hear”. We learn nothing new when we speak, only when we listen; therefore practice keeping your mouth closed and your ears open more often. But don’t listen to just anyone, listen to God. Practice discerning what is coming from the Lord as opposed to what is coming from your own mind. Spend time in godly endeavors. We deserve nothing but punishment for our sin, so quit acting like we’re owed something, cuz we’re not. Entitlement is for the selfish and self-righteous. Our Heavenly Father graciously meets all our needs. The desires of our heart should always lean towards Godly things. Place your will down and allow him to mold you into all he knows you can be in this life for him. rlkeller

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