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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Paul's Letter to Titus

          Titus 2:3-5 speaks of the woman’s responsibility regarding what they are to teach younger women. They are to live a life that honors God. No slander should come out of their mouth. They mustn’t be heavy drinkers. They should instead teach other women how to live a godly life. The older women are to teach younger women to love their husbands and children, work in their homes, live wisely, be pure and submit to their husbands, who are supposed to be the Spiritual leaders of the family.
            What impact do these instructions have on the modern day Christian woman? Paul’s advice would be for all women down thru the ages with certain caveats given. When it comes to women submitting to their husbands, it should be in response to Ephesians 5:24, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her …”. How much easier it is to submit to a loving, godly husband who loves, honors and respects his wife?
            What about women working outside the home? While verse 5 says specifically for them to work in their own homes, yet I believe that to be due to the culture of that time in Crete. It’s pretty easy to connect the dots and assume that it wasn’t only the men of Crete who were the rowdy, rebellious ones. Today it is financially necessary for the wife to supplement the husband’s income. It isn’t necessarily to maintain an opulent lifestyle, but rather to simply keep their head above water, figuratively speaking. High property taxes, plus high fuel and food prices can put families quickly in a bind. Then there are always the single mothers. Culturally speaking, it has become necessary to leave the home and work. 
            Although this isn’t God’s perfect plan, if our hearts motivation is pure then God will bless it. Working outside the home in no way removes the importance of feeding your spirit. That should always be of paramount importance in any believer’s life. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 
Resources: The Life Application Study Bible; The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.

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