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Monday, February 25, 2019

Paul's Letter to Titus

Titus 2:11-15
            It’s already been made clear that the Cretans were a sinful people. Even those who accepted Paul’s teaching were still involved in certain sinful practices. In vv. 11-15 we find Paul explaining that the period of God’s grace is upon them, presenting salvation to all people. Even though the world is evil Titus was to instruct the church in Crete to live with “wisdom, righteousness and devotion to God”. They could not do it on their own. This is only possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.          
            Just in case they were weary of the spiritual battle they were fighting on a daily basis, Titus was to encourage them to look forward with hope while living in the midst of evil. The hope is the revealing of Jesus Christ on the day of his return. Though a futuristic event, it is coming just as sure as the sun will rise in the morning. The redemption they have experienced cleansed from all their sins and freed them from the bondage there of. There were now children of God and should act like it. One way was for them to totally commit themselves to doing good deeds.
            It is easy to see how these truths would apply to us today. We too live in an evil age. We too have a spiritual battle to fight daily. We have the same hope that they were expecting, which was and is Christ’s Return. We are to be open to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and be encouraged to live a life that is pleasing to God and not to man. 
            Paul’s last instruction to Titus in this 2ndchapter is to not let anyone disregard what he is telling them. Though Titus cannot force anyone to obey what they have been taught or even remember his teaching for that matter, those who are serious about their new life in Christ will take heed and live out what they have been taught. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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