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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Looking at Isaiah

“At just the right time, I will respond to you.” – Isaiah 49:8
            The Jews were a stiff-necked group, calling out to God only when they were in dire need. Otherwise, they did as they pleased, only repenting when faced with judgment or after they had been hit with the consequences of their actions. I lifted the first part of verse 8 from the page to speak on it. There are so many things that can be said regarding this chapter, but as I read thru it the Holy Spirit had these words stand out to me.
            What I’m about to say goes for Jew and Gentile alike. We are a worrisome lot, finding it difficult to wait for much of anything. Things had gotten so bad during Isaiah’s run as God’s prophet that Israel actually thought that God had forgotten them while they were in exile in Babylon. The destruction of Jerusalem and Judah and the Jews being ushered off to Babylon were the consequences of their actions. Disobey your parents in any era and consequences present themselves. It’s no different with Almighty God, our Heavenly Father. When things appeared to be at their worst and the Jews thought all was lost, God reveals these incredible words: “At just the right time, I will respond to you.” 
            I wrote a book called “There’s No McDonalds in Heaven”. In it I speak about having patience when it comes to waiting for God’s answers to our many queries and requests. This verse puts a spot light on just how God operates when it comes to answering prayers or moving on your behalf. It never takes place when we think it best. It comes at the time God knows is the absolute perfect time for us to receive the very answer we needed. It was just as true back in Bible times as it is today. We must spend time with God so we know when he speaks to us. Cultivate your relationship with the Lord so you reap all the blessings and benefits God has intended you to have.  Next we will check out chapter 50. Until then walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller
Resources: The Life Application Study Bible;

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