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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Avoid False Teachers

“… such persons are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.”2 Corinthians 11:13-15

            Throughout the world today there are many who would speak and act as though they are a friend to Christianity, yet in their hearts there is darkness. How would we know who they are? How could we know when we are being duped by those who masquerade as believers of Christ? Their only mission is to subtly implant division within the body. Frankly, without the discernment provided by the Holy Spirit and the wisdom found in God’s word, we wouldn’t. Sweet talking jackals would try to persuade you, just as Satan did Eve in the Garden of Eden, to believe that which we should know to be untrue. We are at their mercy if we do not have the proper armaments. God provides for us all we will ever need to ward off the devil and live a victorious life, yet we go out without them leaving ourselves vulnerable. 

            Being an American doesn’t automatically make us a Christian, although some seem to think so. Neither does going to church, nor saying all the right things or even doing good deeds. It’s a conscious choice of the soul, mind and spirit that chooses to believe and receive the redemption God so freely offers us all. Playacting only wastes your time and accomplishes nothing. God can see through a person’s histrionics as we would see through a freshly washed window. Thus, it is so with those impersonating a follower of Christ. We see it in ministry throughout the world; false teacher’s hell bent on leading folks down a parallel path which veers off into oblivion. The followers become devout, taking the bait in the form of false teaching(s) ‘hook, line and sinker’. 

           It’s only through diligence that we can avoid such a travesty. Many a faithful servant down through the ages has been lured by the hope of an easier path or a more palatable teaching. The ways of God require discipline. There is no easy way, for Christ is the only way to heaven. There is no other way to receive the forgiveness of sins, no matter how many people say there is. Truth doesn’t lie in the number of constituents, but rather in the identity of the source. Many seem easily drawn to honey dripping from the lips of silver tongue devils simply because they can be seen, heard with their own ears and perhaps even touched. Don’t be fooled. As scripture declares, “their end will be what their actions deserve”. 

            Study God’s word. Know His voice. Discern by His Spirit and you will avoid being drawn off the narrow path God has chosen for you to travel down a very specific path, but, without God’s direction, we’ll be like rudderless ships prone to wandering aimlessly about. It doesn’t need to be that way. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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