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Thursday, September 17, 2020

God is Our Rescuer

“… if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.”2 Peter 2:9 

            2 Peter 2:4-9 speaks of examples where sinners were not spared His wrath and the righteous were rescued from calamity. The apostle Peter gives these as a point of reference and proof that God can save godly men from the trials and tribulations that have been allowed and cast out those who warrant punishment for their ungodly lives. Take the time to read the entire chapter, but verses 4-9 in particular. He makes a compelling argument with acts God has done most emphatically throughout scripture to underscore both His mercy and His justice. It becomes clear that those in this life who have received forgiveness for sins and opted to serve God truly have nothing to fear. We fear because we have either forgotten His promises to us or we have never known them. It needn’t be that way for the promises of God are available for all to read. They are best read in the context that they have been written to get the full effect and meaning. God is consistently working on our behalf and is ever mindful of not only our situation, but also the continued misdeeds of the ungodly. They will be dealt with at a preordained time when everything as we know it shall cease to be. 

            Knowing that rescue is always on the mind of our Heavenly Father, we can go through our lives with a boldness that comes from obedient living. Knowing His word and living a life that is pleasing to God breeds this boldness. It’s not a prideful spirit that I speak of, but rather a refreshing joy and confidence that causes us to cast aside all hesitation and proclaim the glory of God to men. If we honor God with our lives, He will honor us. If we dishonor Him, we will be dishonored. Having said that it must be mentioned that God is long-suffering; His patience with us is astounding. I am not aware of anyone this side of heaven who exhibits such patience. His love for us is unconditional and never-ending. This too is a characteristic that is impossible to find in this created world. Most of what we do is based on conditions. It’s as if we were on our own and responsible for our own well-being. While that is true to a certain extent in our daily lives, nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to our overall existence. God is watching and doesn’t need to take notes. He knows our heart and knows those who are truly His. Rest in the fact that God loves you and will always take good care of you.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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