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Monday, December 14, 2020

Fruitless Branches

“He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”John 15:2 New Living Translation

                  There are 2 kinds of pruning that a gardener can do. He can ‘cut back’ or ‘cut off’. If the branch is producing fruit, the branch can be cut back to promote further, more prolific growth going forward. A pruned branch becomes, over time, a much stronger branch. If the branch isn’t producing any fruit, then it will be cut off for that very reason. Another reason to cut the branch off is to prevent it from infecting the entire tree. This is why believers are instructed to avoid those Christians who bear no spiritual fruit. They could conceivably infect your godly attitude by turning you sour towards the church and the things of God, so they must be asked to leave the church and in a personal sense, be avoided.

                  A fruitless believer is one who has a superficial relationship with the Lord. Some may never have believed at all. There is a name for them … apostate Christians. It becomes apparent of a very short time that they never had any genuine belief in Christ or His teachings. That is what stepping on God’s grace means. You know God by name, but don’t allow Him to penetrate thru the stone surrounding your heart. You will ensure a fruitful vine if and when you remove all the dead branches.

                  No branch that is Christ’s shall ever be fruitless. They are the ones that continually assess their relationship with Christ and seek pruning so that they can grow. Spiritually growth, as I’ve said before, is vitally important in one’s maturation process. If you want to grow closer to the Lord, you must feed your spirit man regularly. If you don’t you will starve him. If you want to be a fruitless believer in Christ, cease feeding your spirit man. Next time we will take a look at verse 3. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Life Application Study Bible Scripture Notes; Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible; Biblical Theology Study Bible; John MacArthur Study Bible; Reformation Study Bible.

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