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Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Miracles of Jesus

The Servant’s Ear

Luke 22:50-51 The Amplified Bible

“And one of them struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus replied, ‘Stop! No more of this.’ And He touched the ear and healed him.” 

                  This miracle was done in front of those who had come to arrest Jesus. Their hatred for him must have run so deep that they apparently didn’t even notice the miracle itself, so bent they were on locking him up. The gospel according to John gives us a little more information as to who sliced off the servant’s ear and what the name of the servant was. It was Peter, the impetuous one, who sliced off the servant’s ear and the name of the high priest’s servant was Malchus. Jesus wasn’t in favor of a violent incident, so He told the disciples to stop the violence immediately. He knew what fate awaited him and God wouldn’t be allowing anything to steer His plan off course.  

            Once again we see that it was Jesus touch that brought restoration to Malchus’ ear. It must’ve happened so fast that it is possible no one really notice the miracle take place. Peter obviously knew, since he was the slicer and being the recipient of the slice, Malchus also knew what had taken place. I would imagine this event might have changed Malchus’ life from that point on. Because of Jesus the consequences of Peter’s sudden, violent outburst was averted. 

            What can we learn from this incident? First of all, Jesus didn’t shy away from performing a miracle in the presence of his captors. He is the peacekeeper and does not condone violence, even when it is meant to defend Him. He had a path that He must follow and would not be deterred.

This should tell us that Jesus is determined to do that which must be done, whether it be back then or now. He does what pleases Him to do, for His will lines up perfectly with His Father. Therefore, we can be confident that God’s will for our life shall be performed when it is needed most. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Ricard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resources: The Life Application Study Bible; Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament.

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