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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Isaiah at a glance - The Mega-Themes




General Information:  Isaiah was God’s prophet to Judah from 740 - 681 BC. The social climate found that Israel’s society was in tremendous upheaval. Under King Ahaz & King Manasseh, the people went back to worshipping idols, which at times included child sacrifices.

            The main message Isaiah shared with God’s people was that though His judgment was inevitable toward the surrounding pagan nations, it wasn’t too late for Israel to still have a very intimate relationship with their Creator God.

            The message was important because judgment & discipline can definitely come upon even God’s children before we’re restored to God.





An Explanation of Holiness “God is highly exalted above all His creatures. His moral perfection stands in contrast to evil people & nations. God is perfect & sinless in all his motives & actions, so He is in perfect control of His power, judgment, love, & mercy. His holy nature is our standard for morality.”


Why is Holiness important? Because God is without sin, he alone can help us with our sin. It’s only right that we regard God as supreme in power & moral perfection. We must never treat God as common or ordinary. He alone deserves our devotion & praise. He is always truthful, fair, & just.”


An Explanation of Punishment “Because God is holy, he requires his people to treat others justly. He promised to punish Israel, Judah, & other nations for faithless immorality & idolatry.

True faith had degenerated into national pride & empty religious rituals.”


Why is Punishment important? “We must trust in God alone & fulfill His commands. We cannot forsake justice nor give in to selfishness. If we harden our hearts against God’s message, punishment will surely come to us.”


An Explanation of Salvation “Because God’s judgment is coming, we need a Savior. No person or nation can be saved (from judgment) without God’s help. Christ’s perfect sacrifice for our sins is foretold & portrayed in Isaiah. All who trust God can be freed from their sin & restored back to God.”


Why is Salvation important? “Christ died to save us from our sin. We cannot save ourselves. He is willing to save all those who turn from their sin & come to God. Salvation is from God alone. No amount of good works can earn it.”

An Explanation of the Messiah “God will send the Messiah to save his people. He will set up his own Kingdom as the faithful Prince of Peace, who rules with righteousness. He will come as sovereign Lord, but he will do so as a servant who will die to take away sins.”


Why is a Messiah Important? “Our trust must be in the Messiah, not in ourselves or in any nation or power. There is no hope unless we believe in him. Trust Christ fully & let him rule in your life as your sovereign Lord.”


An Explanation of Hope “God promises comfort, deliverance, & restoration in his future Kingdom. The Messiah will rule over his faithful followers in the age to come. Hope is possible because Christ is coming (for us).”


Why is Hope important? “We can be refreshed because there is compassion for those who repent. No matter how bleak our situation or how evil the world is, we must continue to be God’s faithful people who hope for his return.


Tomorrow I will conclude with the book of Isaiah by laying out the 22 prophecies & their NT fulfillment. Until then, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The special notes on pp. 1417 & 1418 in The Life Application Study Bible.

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