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Monday, October 23, 2023

LUKE: The Mega-Themes

1) JESUS CHRIST, THE SAVIOR: Luke takes the time to describe just how God’s Son entered human history. Jesus was the perfect example of a human. After a perfect ministry that lasted 3 years, Jesus provided a perfect sacrifice for our sins so we could be redeemed.

                  Jesus is our perfect leader & Savior. He offered forgiveness to all who will accept him as Lord of their lives and Savior of their souls & believe there is truth in what he says.


2) HISTORY: Luke was both a medical doctor & a historian. Luke placed great emphasis on dates & details, connecting Jesus to events and people in history.

                  Luke gives details so we can believe in the reliability of the history of Jesus’ life. More importantly, we can believe with certainty that Jesus is God.


3) PEOPLE: Jesus was deeply interested in people regardless of gender, race, color. That was unimportant to him. He showed warm concern for his followers and his friends; whether men, women, or children.

                  Jesus’ extreme and never-ending, unconditional love for his creation is good news for all mankind. No one is excluded from his loving touch. All have an opportunity to respond to God in faith. That is incredible news!


4) COMPASSION: Do you ever disregard someone because they look or act different than you? Because Jesus is the epidemy of loving compassion, he avoids no one, regardless of their appearance or behavior. NO ONE. Because of the world we live in today I am very wary of anyone whom I don’t know. That’s not what the Lord expects from his children. I’m guilty of that and it weighs heavy on me. How about you? I suppose we’ve all been conditioned by our families, society, our culture, what region of the globe we live in. It’s a large contributory factor towards how we think, speak and act around others. God wishes to cleanse us of that, but we need to seek it out. If you want to be like Jesus, you must succumb to his will, by shedding your will like a snake sheds its’ skin. God forces nothing on us. We must seek it.

                  One of God’s names is Yahwah Yireh or Jehovah Jireh for he is “the God who shall provide”.  God’s compassion makes him far more than a good teacher. It means he cares for you. Because of his deep, abiding love for you, he can surely satisfy your every need.


5) HOLY SPIRIT:  Did you ever realize that God’s Holy Spirit was with Jesus throughout his life. From his birth to his baptism, to his ministry, and during the resurrection; Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit.

                  God sent the Holy Spirit as confirmation of Jesus’ authority. He is given to enable us to live for Christ, for we most assuredly cannot do it on our own. It is by faith and trust in Almighty God that we can have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the power to witness to others and serve the Kingdom of God.


                  Up next is a Spotlight piece on Zechariah, a Jewish priest, whose story is told in Luke 1. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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