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Thursday, October 12, 2023

MARK: Focusing on Jesus ...

            Of the 4 Gospels, most of the stories found in Mark’s Gospel appear in the exact order that they actually occurred. Though Mark is the shortest of the 4 Gospels, it is the most action-packed. Most of the action occurs in Galilee, where Jesus ministry began. Capernaum served as Jesus’ base of operation [Mark 1:21; 2:1 & 9:33], from where he would go to places like Bethsaida where he would heal a blind man [Mark 8:22ff], Gennesaret, where he performed many healings [Mark 6:53ff], Tyre & Sidon (to the far North), where the Lord healed many, drove out demons, and met the woman from Syrian Phoenicia [Mark 3:8; 7:24ff], and Caesarea Philippi, where Peter publicly declared that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah [Mark 8:27ff]. After his ministry in Galilee and the surrounding regions, Jesus headed for Jerusalem [Mark 10:1]. Before going there, Jesus told his disciples 3x that he would be crucified there and then come back to life [Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34].


JESUS BEGINS HIS MINISTRY:  When Jesus came from his home in Nazareth to begin his ministry, he first took 2 steps in preparation - being baptized by John the Baptizer in the Jordan River and being tempted by Satan in the rough Judean wilderness. After the temptations were completed, Jesus returned to Galilee and later set up his home base in Capernaum.


JESUS HEALS A DEMON-POSSESSED MAN: From Capernaum, Jesus & his disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee. A storm blew up out of nowhere, but Jesus calmed it. Landing in the land of the Gerasenes, Jesus sent demons out of a man and into a herd of 2000 pigs who subsequently plunged over a steep bank to their death in the nearby lake.


THE TOUCH OF JESUS: Jesus associated with the sorts of people the Pharisees would NEVER have be seen with. He met the needs of both those who came to him and those he went to himself. It didn’t matter whether they were famous or unknown, rich or poor, young or old, sinner or saved - Jesus cares for them all. He sought out those in need. NO PERSON was or is beyond the loving touch of Jesus.


Up next is a Spotlight on Herod Antipas. Until then, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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