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Monday, October 30, 2023

LUKE: Spotlight on Elizabeth, wife of Zechariah ...

            The societal norm for the women of Israel placed their value largely by their ability to bear children. To be unable to give birth often led a woman to personal hardship & public shame. Not understanding why God would withhold children from Elizabeth, she was looked upon as an anomaly, a deviation from what was considered the norm. Though this made for a painful & lonely existence, Elizabeth remained faithful to God.

            Both Elizabeth & her husband, Zechariah, came from priestly families. Two weeks each year Zechariah would go to the Temple in Jerusalem and attend to his priestly duties.

After one of those trips Zechariah returned home excited, but speechless. He had to write his good news down because he wasn’t able to speak. As you will remember from the ‘Spotlight on Zechariah’, an angel came to him and told him his wife would have a son. Because of their old age he doubted this news as true and was struck mute until the child was born. Though both Zechariah and Elizabeth dream of having a child had begun to fade, they now knew that at long last God was answering their prayers.

            70 miles north in Nazareth, Mary, a relative of Elizabeth also unexpectedly became pregnant. A few days after Mary received the good news from an angel, much like Elizabeth did, she went to visit her. Instant bonding took place when they each shared their news to one another. Elizabeth knew Mary’s son would be greater than hers for John would be the messenger for the Messiah.

            When born, Elizabeth insisted on naming him his God-given name: John. It was at this time that Zechariah’s tongue was loosed, and he could speak again as the angel had said. All the local peoples would wonder what would become of this special child. Both women marveled at God’s impeccable timing regarding the two births. 

            So what lesson can we learn from this set of circumstances and how Elizabeth handled herself? 1) That God DOES NOT forget those who have been faithful to him; 2) God’s timetable & methods DO NOT have to conform to what we expect to take place. Remember, God is in control of EVERY situation. Ask yourself this question: When was the last time you paused to recognize God’s timing in the events in your life?

            Up next is a post called LUKE: “To Fear or Not to Fear”, where I will give examples of 11 dedicated Christians from the scriptures who were fearful when confronted by either God or his messengers. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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