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Thursday, September 5, 2024

The 1st Sin Every Christian Must Avoid

Failing to Love God


Jesus instructs us in Mark 12:30 to, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Loving someone you cannot see based on what scripture tells us about Him is a different kind of love. It’s love based on something we CHOOSE to believe. It’s a love that has been established before time itself began. It involves a divine spiritual entity that has always been, is and always will be. But is it possible that we can fall into the trap of “outta sight, outta mind”? Is it possible that our lives being encumbered by the responsibilities of life, have caused us to put God on the back burner, so to speak? He must be in the forefront of our lives. He is the reason we live and breathe. He mustn’t end up being an afterthought.

Christians, yes even Christians, become prone to letting our daily schedules dictate what we do and where we go on any given day. Many of us act as though God understands that we’re busy and imagine that He is happy with whatever time we’re able to spare for Him. In that event our priorities are skewed. Yes, we’re busy. Yes, we have families, and careers and social lives, but are these reasons or excuses for not spending time with God? All the things that eat up our time are typically necessary and spending time at them is necessary and of course, there is nothing wrong with that. I suppose it all depends on what your focal point is.

What is the focal point in your life? Is it everything but God or is it God? Is He your first thought or your last resort? To place God in any position in our lives besides the top priority is wrong thinking. Jesus DIED in your place. Don’t be like the 9 lepers who never returned to thank Jesus for healing them. Be like the 1 Samaritan man who came back, knelt before Him, and praised God for his healing.

God loves us. Every last one of us, whether saved or not.  He doesn’t wish that ANY would perish, but that ALL would come to the saving knowledge of Christ. To fail to show Him the love and respect He deserves is tantamount to sinning. Don’t let the Lord get the leftovers of your time. Make Him preeminent in your life. 

            Next we will look at walking in unbelief. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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