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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Proverbs 3:1-2 (NIV) “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.”

3 John 1:2 (NKJV) “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

I believe the prosperity teachings are all wrong. Yes, we are children of the King of Kings. Yes, He fulfills every desire of our hearts. However, He is NOT our sugar daddy in the sky who grants us our every wish like some spiritual genie. He is Almighty God, Creator of the Universe and man’s first breath.

I feel that the two verses sum up what prosperity means in God’s economy very nicely. The prospering of our soul is far more important to God that honoring our request for financial prosperity. Oh, there is nothing at all wrong with amassing wealth, but the key question to be asked in response to that is “what are you doing with your wealth?” Are you hording it for yourself or are you liberally dispensing it where it can be utilized as an implement of blessing? I don’t think God is at all interested in money. We need it to sustain our existence, but God has everything at His disposal that He doesn’t give it a second thought. He is more interested in the condition of your soul.

Proverbs 3:1-2 say “do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart … “. How can we do that? We would need to read them first in His word, right? And then reread them again and again. Perhaps commit them to memory. It is ridiculous to think that we could ever read a teaching or command of God once and forever hold it in our memory, but you would think that were the case, so infrequently do we spend time in His word. Oh I am not pointing the finger at anyone. I am guilty of doing everything during any given day BUT spending extended time in God’s word. God is not a tough task master. He woos us by His Holy Spirit to come join Him in fellowship. I believe, although I cannot back this up with scripture, that God is sad when we neglect our time with Him. He misses us. He loves us.

When you find you have fallen in love with someone that you can hardly stand to be apart from for one second, you do whatever it takes to be back in their company. I feel that is what God desires of us. If we would only take the time DAILY to speak with Him (the operative word there being WITH and not TO) … which includes you speaking AND listening to God, our lives would be so much more blessed. Why is it 24 hours never seems to be enough time? We can’t find 5 minutes to spend quietly with our Heavenly Father, yet we expect Him to “pony up” with the goods when we are in need. I don’t think we do that on purpose. I think we don’t really think about it like that at all. We hear sermons regarding our loving Heavenly Father who meets our every need and expect that He will … and HE WILL, but then we go about our business, at times forgetting to even thank Him. Remember this; God owes us nothing … NOTHING! He loves us because He has CHOSEN to love us. He forgives us because He has CHOSEN to forgive us. He meets our needs because He has CHOSEN to do so. He is not obligated in any way to do anything for us … He has chosen to do so because it is His nature to do so.

If we learn His word and tuck it in our heart for safe keeping, living for Him without reservation, our lives will be blessed and prolonged and we will prosper in all the ways that are most important. We will prosper psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Money tends to be irrelevant in God’s economy. If it were not, we would be taking it to heaven with us, but as the old saying goes, “you can’t take it with you”.

During this advent season, strive to be a better disciple of Christ. Seek to be more like Him is every way. Be more considerate of others. Seek to bless those around you for no other reason than that you can; it is the only suitable response for all the blessings God has bestowed upon you.


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