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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Psalm 37:25 (NIV) “I was young and now I am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”

Have you ever wondered where your next meal was coming from? Been down to your last dollar and wondered how things would all work out? Perhaps you have lost your job and are living on unemployment, which we all know is temporary financial assistance, with no jobs on the horizon. If you are at the end of your rope my friend, then this verse is for you.

David, a man after God’s own heart, had many ups and downs in his life. He was a righteous, God-fearing man who was also an adulterer and murderer. He had as many lows as highs and yet even when things looked their bleakest he could still look to God and say, “You are my Lord and my God.” David is a vibrant example of the above verse which has been credited to him.

We truly have nothing to worry about when we serve God. Oh we worry anyway; it seems to be in our nature to worry, but it’s wasted energy. I often wonder if I worry because my mind is idle at that particular time and the “waves and winds” of circumstance seem overwhelming. I forgot how big my God was. I forgot all that I have learned and know about my Heavenly Father. I forgot, because I allowed my mind to dwell on that which is around me rather than His Spirit which is within me. His Spirit within us is a constant reminder of His presence in our lives. He is Omnipresent. Do you understand what that means? He is everywhere at one time. There is nowhere that He is not. And to top it all off, He understands our concerns. He knows we are but dust. He made us from nothing and knows we are frail and fault ridden. He knows all about it. And it is because He knows us so well that He will never allow us to be forsaken. You see, God knows we can’t do this thing called life without Him. Oh we think we can. We try to cut Him out and do things our own way, but He knows better. And He is patiently waiting on the other end of our man made adventure with reassurance that everything is under His control and will be alright if we turn to Him as our sustainer and provider.

We can be so foolish at times, can we not? We actually think we know what we are doing. If you think about it it’s laughable really. We don’t have the faintest clue what the heck we are doing at any given moment. It’s only when we concede that fact to our Heavenly Father that we can “right our ship” which has been listing and starting to take on water. When will we finally accept the fact that God knows exactly what He is doing at all times and we do not?

We tend to use our “free will” as a ticket to adventure. Whatever we ‘feel’ like doing at a given time is alright because we truly can do as we please. And God is watching. And God is waiting patiently for us to come to our senses. And when we do He shows us just how we are never forsaken by being there for us. And He shows us how we will never have to beg for bread by providing our every need according to His riches in glory. Silly humans. When will we ever understand? Probably never. But that will not change our unchanging God. His love is unconditional and His forgiveness available. It’s our move. Which move will you make?


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