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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Proverbs 31:30 (NIV) “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

In this day and age when “sex sells” and appearance is made paramount, we read this in Proverbs. The title of this portion of scripture, Proverbs 31: 10-31 is Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character. Young women are so bent on being beautiful and when age encroaches on their lives they become bent on STAYING beautiful, yet there is a natural beauty that radiates from within. It is present in women who are children of God. It is the light of their spirit that shines forth. They study scripture and know what is required of them by the Lord. They are not subservient by any means, but a true woman of God is fruitful and productive, a great help to her husband in every way.

In this day and age women seek to be equal with men and climb the corporate ladder, as if that was a goal worthy of them, but scripture speaks of a woman who conducts business for her household, buying and selling, providing for her family, as an integral counterpart to her husband.

Our society has it all wrong; it has it backwards. Women are to be viewed as pivotal yes, but to their family, not to themselves. Today they strive to better themselves to the exclusion of all others. They give themselves over to nefarious doings, seeking pleasure where it may be found. The Godly woman finds herself shunned in our society today; ridiculed for her subservient nature. However, those women who feel they have achieved some sort of pinnacle, a mountain top of success, are nothing more than empty shells of what they were intended to be. You see, for all they may have accomplished, there is no lasting fulfillment as a result. They are just as empty as when they first started up that hill.

God’s Word is an outline, a blueprint as it were, of a fulfilling life IN HIM. Yes, we are NOT our own boss. We can be in our world, but if the truth be told, none of us are our own boss. God IS in ultimate control over all His creation. The sooner we acknowledge this fact, the sooner we may find true fulfillment this side of heaven. That goes for men, just as it does women. Fulfillment is not to be found in looks, strength, intelligence, monetary success … no. All those things are temporal. As Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, “it is a chasing of the wind”. You may catch fire in a bottle, but without oxygen, it will go out.

The truly important, even vital things of this life are found between the covers of God’s Word. Believe it or not, that is your choice, but without guidance and direction from Almighty God, you are only spinning your wheels, no matter how far ahead you feel you are getting from the competition.

Women need to stop striving for that which will fade away and look intently in the mirror at themselves and what their lifestyle has produced. Stripped of makeup, designer clothes and a professional hair styling, they are the same person they were when they were a child, only older. What are your dreams, your aspirations … what do you truly want out of life? If it involves being the best anything that puts the focus on you rather than others, perhaps your vision is blurred. See others as more important than you and you have a good start. Pick a husband that is a Godly man and you will avoid heartache somewhere down the road. Being a good wife doesn’t involve being your husband’s slave; not at all. He has obligations as well to see you are a jewel from God. He is to cherish you and treat you as scripture teaches a man to treat his beloved.

In the end, God is faithful and good. He is forgiving and patient. If you find yourself on the wrong path, it is never too late to jump the track to the one that leads to life and that more abundantly. Need to know how? Simply ask the Lord to show you the way. He loves you and wants to bless you even more than you want to be blessed.


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