Trust - firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
When we place our faith in Christ, can trust be far behind? Faith is belief. Trust is an outcropping of that belief. We are placing our trust in God. To what extent we trust God is up to us, but we are supposed to place the entirety of our trust in God to maximize our knowledge, blessings and benefit. Doing anything halfway will bring limited results. In reality, we must either be ‘all in’ or not bother. The Bible says in Revelation 3:16 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” It is said that lukewarm or tepid water induces vomiting. It is referring to the believer or church that is indifferent to living for God or only does works for God when it is convenient or when they derive some benefit from it. Believers such as this should be warned that such inaction and indifference shall result in rejection on the last day. Such believers have made God’s grace and the death of Christ into a cheap thing. As a result it will not go well for them in the end.
Our trust is to be complete. We are to rely on the truth, ability and strength of Almighty God to fully take care of us. God is our champion, our deliverer and He is our Heavenly Father. As we place our faith in Him hope will blossom within our hearts. Peace and joy will flourish in our hearts as a result of our tenacious* faith. Our hope is fueled by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. He is the One that fills us. He is the One who leads and guides us. The catch is this: we must be attentive. As will live for God we must be ever watchful, ever listening for His still small voice to tell us to go this way or that way. It behooves us as ones who identify with Christ that we take full advantage of the resources that have been left for us. If we do so we will have joy and peace in our hearts which overflows from our obedient spirits. In that joy and peace lies enough hope for a lifetime.
* tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely; determined.