“One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: ‘Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love’; and, ‘You reward everyone according to what they have done.’” (Psalm 62:11-12)
In this Psalm, David is making clear to us the importance of what he is about to say by the words he uses. Repetition is a common way of doing that. He starts off by telling us of the power God has. Man’s power, in fact, all other power will fail, but God’s power will never fail. God is more powerful than any source of power known to man, yet we know that because of His unfailing love, that power is held in check against us. We are to revere God and not be afraid of Him. Only those who are against Him need be afraid.
39 times the adjective “unfailing” is used and always in the Old Testament. Three other times it is used to describe God’s kindness, but all other instances refer to His love. Synonyms for the word unfailing define it clearly: continuous, boundless, endless, persistent, reliable, certain, dependable and faithful. God’s love for us shall never fail and never end.
David is quite certain, through his own life experiences, that we are all rewarded according to what we have done in this life. He knows, as well should we, that our reward may not always be a positive thing as with David’s adulterous act with Bathsheba and the subsequent murdering of her husband. Therefore, we are to take stock of our lives; reassess. Have we lived a life as a true ambassador of Christ or have we lived a life only for ourselves and our own personal gain? If we say we are a Christian we should understand all that implies. Jesus calls His followers "the light of the world" in Matthew 5:14. In the very next verse He calls us not to "hide our light under a bowl, but rather to place it on a stand so it might give light to all in your household". The implication here is that we are to use the grace God has given us to bless others and not keep it all to ourselves.
So you see, once we give our lives to God they are no longer our own. We have a calling to administer the same mercy, love, compassion and patience to others that the Lord showed to us. On the last day we will be rewarded for what we have done, both good and bad. We don’t want to ever have to look on that day with apprehension but rather with anticipatory joy and excitement. It’s truly up to us how we live.