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Wednesday, May 4, 2016


“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Romans 12:12 NLT
       Paul’s letter to the church in Rome tells us here in part about our hope, which is in Christ.  Therefore, in light of this great confidence that we should have toward our eternal future, we should as a natural outcropping of our faith and trust in God not only be patient, but remain patient when troubles come upon us. John 16:33 tells us “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  We cannot overcome the world on our own, but God can because He created not only the world itself, but all that inhabits it.  Our troubles come as lessons. There is always something we can learn from our difficulties.  We simply need to ask the Lord to reveal to us what He’s trying to teach us.  Some lessons can be very hard, but if we truly trust the Lord we will accept Him at His word when thru the Apostle Paul He says “…we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28)
       When things begin to go against us it can be difficult to continue praying, but no one said either than life would be easy or that our prayers would be answered almost before we finished praying.  I’ve known people who have prayed for years for certain things to take place and though God remained silent, they never lost faith.  Let me make something very clear. Just because someone didn’t lost faith in the face of calamity doesn’t mean for one second that they never doubted.  To me it has always meant that though we may ride a roller coaster of emotions during difficult times, when the dust settles at the end of the day we realize afresh and anew that God is still in control and with one word at any given moment the Lord can change the entire scene around us to give us the victory. 
       So be confident and stay confident.  Be patient and never stop praying and believing for God honors our faith and answers our prayers when He knows the time is right.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resource: Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2012.

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