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Thursday, August 3, 2017


But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7 New Living Translation
     So many people spend gobs of time and money to enhance their outward appearance. This reveals the insecure carnal nature of man. They develop muscles and admirable physical traits that catch the eye and become the envy of many. But what good is a stunning physical appearance if you only end up in hell? It’s the same when praying for healing of a non-believer. Their salvation is far more important than their physical well being. In heaven there will be no sickness, sorry or pain … and no sin. No envy, no regrets, no confusion, no worry and so on. Man is enamored with a beautiful outward appearance, but God only cares about your heart. He judges us by our faith and character.
     The shallowness of man is truly an embarrassment of grand proportions. Anything is acceptable as long as its fun and no one else gets hurt. The participants never take the time to think about the big picture; times awastin’, let’s party. The benefits of living a careless, egocentric life are scant at best. Going hand in hand with egocentric behavior is the supposed need to rub elbows with those who are considered by society to be people you absolutely must know. Not understanding the true nature of God, they say they believe and even wear crosses; however, it is nothing more than a fashion statement and has no deep seated faith inspired conviction tied to it.
     The unsaved don’t know any better, so we mustn’t fall into the trap of judging them by their outward appearance. Each person we see or meet was once someone’s innocent baby. Their path in life has taken them many places they probably now wish they had never gone. God loves them just as much as he loves you. Seek to see them thru the eyes of God. Show them mercy as God has shown you mercy. Show they compassion and understanding as God has shown it to you. And be God’s hand extended as you administer his grace to those you may least wish to offer it to, but who may need it the most. Be Jesus to those you meet for God glory and not your own.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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