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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Song of Songs at a glance

Song of Songs


This is the 22nd book of the bible. The author was Solomon. This book was also referred to as the “Song of Solomon”. It was probably written sometime during the early part of Solomon’s reign as King. 


The Purpose of writing this book was to tell of the love between a bridegroom (King Solomon) and his bride ... to affirm the sanctity of marriage and illustrate God’s love for His creation.


The Setting of this book is Israel - a Shulammite woman’s garden & the King’s palace.

            This is a moving story that features the love dialogue between a simple Jewish maiden and her lover. The characters in the story are a young Shulammite woman and King Solomon. The story, written by the bridegroom, describes in intimate detail their feelings for each other and their longing to be together. Throughout the dialogue, sex and marriage are put in their proper God-given perspective.

            While there has been a debate regarding the meaning of Song of Solomon, it is very possible that this story has two layers of meaning, rather than one iron clad meaning, In one layer we learn about love, marriage, and sex; in the other layer God’s overwhelming love for His people is revealed. The point is that we are to see love, marriage, and sex from God’s point of view and act according to the template that has been laid out for us.


Important Points found in this book: 


1) “We live in a world where sexual relations have often been spoken of as dangerous and sinful. Much of the Bible speaks of the dangers of falling in love with or becoming sexually involved with the wrong person.”


2) “Therefore, Solomon’s poetry helps to balance out with reminders that romantic passion is a great thing. Solomon began the book with the two lovers in courtship. They express how much they long for affection and how they love each other. Eventually, they come together in marriage, the groom extolling his bird’s beauty. Finally, the bride struggles with the idea of desertion, while the man promises always to be faithful. All of this expresses the goodness of love and marriage.”


Isaiah is up next, so until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Applications Study Bible; The Bible at a glance.

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