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Monday, March 14, 2016


“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT
       What is God’s purpose for us?  It’s to be like Christ in our daily living.  On the heels of the statement that God either causes or allows all things is this statement that God causes everything to work together for good.  Whatever transpires in your life you can be sure that some way, some how, God has His hand in it.  He loves us with an everlasting love and doesn’t have any desire to make our lives difficult.  Whatever difficulties we encounter are either caused by our own foolishness or misfortune; however, God can use every circumstance to bring spiritual maturity to us and glory to Himself.
     Those who truly love God will desire to do what He has asked of us in scripture.  Being Christ’s Ambassador is an honor that shouldn’t be overlooked.  So many believers today get caught up in living for themselves.  They attend church; go to Bible Study, Men’s or Women’s Prayer Breakfast, and so on.  They do all the things they think a Christian should do, but are they being what scripture says a Christian should be?  Christ led a peaceful life, speaking God’s word, healing the sick and meeting the needs of the people.  He is whom we should imitate and not anyone else.
       Listen to the voice of God via His Holy Spirit within you.  Use clear judgment.  Seek to glorify God in all you think, say and do and no one else.  We are but a speck of sand on the beaches of the cosmos, yet God has chosen us to spread the gospel throughout our world.  Your world might be your own hometown, your county, your state or perhaps something much bigger, such as a mission field abroad.  It might be where you work or go to school.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.  Strive to be the best representative of Christ that you can be. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

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