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Friday, May 13, 2016


“Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone—as though we had never been here. But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him.”  Psalm 103:15-17 NLT
       Life is but a fleeting moment in time; here today, gone tomorrow.  Time is the enemy of life, for it robs us of precious seconds each time we breathe.  Nothing stops the clock from ticking except our own physical death or the hand of God.  The Psalmist portrays life in such a manner, likening it to the grass or a flower of the field.   Many times we simply don’t realize how precious life is until we lose someone dear to us or have a brush with death ourselves.  It’s only then that we stare our own mortality straight in the face. 
          The fact of the matter is that no matter how highly we may think of ourselves each of us are truly no more than a single grain of sand on the beach of humanity.  The blessing comes in knowing the God who knows each grain of sand by name.  To the world you may seem insignificant, but no one goes unnoticed by God.  All in His creation are of great value. Verse 18 reveals to the reader that His salvation or forgiveness extends to future generations by saying His salvation extends to the children’s children”. His love, mercy and grace shine down upon “those who are faithful to His covenant and obey his commandments”.  He watches over us all and keeps His promises to provide for and sustain us until our last breath.   
       When verse 17 say to fear the Lord it isn’t saying to be afraid of Him, but rather to honor and revere Him for He is worthy of our worship and praise simply for who He is.  What God does for us reveals to us His true nature. The lesson to be learned here is that though our life is but a wisp of air, if we walk with the Lord and live according to His standards we will spend eternity with Him.  That is the assurance we have as children of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resource: The Application Study Bible – New Living Translation – Tyndale Publishing.

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