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Monday, October 19, 2020

Walking Blameless

“… who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.”- Psalm 19:12-13


          If we didn’t have a natural propensity to sin, then we wouldn’t have needed Christ to die in our place. We sin. We sin as a natural course of living. If we are breathing than there is the chance that we will commit sin. If a person hasn’t received the gift of redemption, this is, having their sins forgiven, then they will continue to sin out of ignorance. The greatest sin is rejecting Christ. Aside from Christ there is no removal of our sin. 

In Psalm 19, David seeks the face of God as he implores Him to forgive the hidden sins and keep him from willingly sinning. Willful is intentional or deliberate: sins done on purpose with no shame on your face. David seeks to be kept from such sins so that they do not take control of him. Without the forgiveness provided by Almighty God through the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary, we would be guilty without reprieve. Our punishment would be sealed along with our fate. We would have no way to pay for our indebtedness. Christ alone could pay our sin debt, for He was sinless … the spotless lamb of God.   

          Once we receive forgiveness through acceptance of Christ into our lives, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The indwelling Spirit touches and ministers to us regularly as we strive to live for the Lord. To ‘strive’ is to make great effort or to fight vigorously for something, in this case living a certain sort of life; a life that is obedient to God’s precepts and therefore pleasing to Him. We aren’t perfect just because we are redeemed; far from it. However, we are sealed by His Spirit until the final day and are supposed to live a different kind of life than before we knew Him. 

God has opened our eyes to our previous lifestyle. We may have thought we were good people but compared to what God requires we were just as lost in His eyes as the vilest of men. Rejection of Christ is all it takes to condemn us. Knowing Christ intimately causes inward change in the heart of a man which should be seen outwardly. We are forever after seen by God through the blood of Christ. Our soul has been purchased with the blood that was spilled for us all. Millions have taken advantage of what that blood can do, millions have not. It is available until God says it isn’t. Follow David in asking that your sins, the hidden ones and the willful ones, be removed far from you and you shall be blessed. This is how to remain blameless in the sight of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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