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Monday, March 25, 2024

1st TIMOTHY at a glance + THE MEGA THEMES

THE PURPOSE: It was to encourage Timothy and give him instruction, since he was a young leader in the Ephesian church.

THE AUTHOR: Once again, it is the Apostle Paul.

ORIGINAL AUDIENCE: Paul’s son in the faith, Timothy.

THE DATE IT WAS WRITTEN: This letter was written around AD 64 from either Rome or possibly Philippi, more than likely just prior to Paul’s final imprisonment in Rome.

SPECIAL FEATURES: This letter is very personal and acts as a handbook of church administration and discipline.


                  1st Timothy is considered one of Paul’s “Pastoral Letters”. There are three; 1st & 2nd Timothy and Paul’s letter to Titus. His 1st letter to Timothy vouches for their close relationship. Paul starts off with some fatherly advice regarding false teachers. The next things he shares are about public worship, stressing the high importance of prayer, and having orderly church meetings. Paul urges Timothy to hold on tightly to his faith and not be discouraged. This was in light of Emperor Nero’s campaign to eradicate Christianity altogether. Next the Apostle discusses the qualities needed to be an elder and/or deacon in the church. Here is where Paul listed very specific criteria for each office. 

                  Paul then addresses the problem of false teachers, only this time he shares how to both recognize and respond to them. Then he offers practical advice regarding pastoral care for both the young and the old, widows, elders, and slaves. He finishes the letter by urging Timothy to closely guard his motives, to stand firm in his faith, live a godly life completely above reproach, and minister faithfully. 




SOUND DOCTRINE - Paul advised Timothy to uphold the Christian faith by teaching sound biblical doctrine to the congregation and be an example of proper Godly living. Timothy had to deal with false teachers in his midst who were leading members away from the belief that more was required besides faith in Christ alone.

                  We must know the truth to be able to defend it. We must hold fast to the belief that Christ came to save us from our sins. Today, we must avoid those who would twist scripture for their own purposes. This requires keen insight and judgement (discernment); a gift that can be had by simply asking God for it. Focusing on that which is important from a Godly perspective can be challenging, but we must sharpen our focus on the things of the Lord to avoid the many pitfalls of the enemy. Know the source from which you glean your information so as not to stumble. The Lord wishes you to thrive spiritually, but you must put in the effort. Be relentless. Let there be no quit in you. Your eternal destination depends on it.


PUBLIC WORSHIP We need to have the proper attitude when we pray during public worship. It must be done with reverence, awe and respect toward God and respect toward our fellow worshipers. When worshipping the Lord, it is important to leave anger, resentment, or any offensive behavior at the door when we enter. To not do so might disrupt worship or damage the unity that exists in the church itself.

                  Up next we will share the balance of the Mega Themes. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible

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