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Sunday, March 3, 2024

PHILIPPIANS: The Mega Themes



EXPLANATION - Jesus is the prime example of true humility. He was God, who stepped into humanity, laying aside all his rights and privileges as God. He laid down his own life to save ours, pouring it out to pay for our sins. To be like Christ is to lay aside all self-interest in our relationships. [“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” - Philippians 2:3 ESV]


IMPORTANCE - Why is humility important to the modern day believer? As we begin to take on Christ’s attitude in serving others we will be able to serve them with love, joy, & kindness.  It will be important for us to understand that we must renounce all personal recognition and accolades.




EXPLANATION - Christ suffered greatly and allowed himself to be unjustly slain so that all who receive him will receive eternal life. The brutal, physical beating he took for you and me was unprecedented, as in this brutality had never occurred before. There was nothing to compare it to. Yet we shouldn’t feel sorry for him because it was all necessary. It was God’s plan from the foundation of the world. No other religion replicates this scene. 


IMPORTANCE - Self-Sacrifice is akin to being selfless. It is the opposite of being self-centered, selfish, or conceited. The latter should find no place in the behavior of a true believer. Christ, thru his death, presents us with the power and self-control to lay aside those things which hurt our testimony. To tap into this power we must imitate the one who denied himself to benefit others. Having been given the person of the Holy Spirit to instruct, lead and guide us, we are able to emulate those godly qualities that we must acquire.




EXPLANATION - In churches down thru the ages, there have always been divisive manipulations that have existed. Cliques form, issues are raised, and conflicts arise. If we live the type of life God commands, this shouldn’t be an issue at all, but we are all human and prone to sinful behavior, regardless of our faith. This is exactly why Paul encouraged those of the Philippian church to stop complaining and work together to find the biblical common ground.


IMPORTANCE - As Christians we have one enemy, though that enemy has many tendrils that weave their way thru ones church congregation. The devil works full-time to spoil God’s work.  He has already lost the battle, because the final outcome had been determined long ago, and he knows this. He also knows his time is limited; therefore, he is still relentlessly trying to drag as many souls to hell as possible.  Unity is the one weapon we have that when deployed stops the enemy in their tracks. Unity, like-mindedness, a selfless attitude, are the tools a church needs to thwart the devil and his many minions.


Up next is the continuation of the Mega Themes. We’ll take a look at both Christian Living & Joy. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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