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Thursday, March 28, 2024

2nd Timothy at a glance

PURPOSE: Paul’s 2nd letter to his “son in the faith” Timothy was a very personal one. It focused on giving him final instructions and encouragement. At this time Timothy was the pastor of the Ephesian church.

THE AUTHOR: It was the dynamic Apostle of the faith, Paul of Tarsus.

THE DATE WRITTEN: Paul wrote this, his final letter, from prison in Rome around AD 66 or 67. According to tradition this letter was written 5 years after his 1st letter to Timothy.

THE SETTING: Aside from Luke being with him, Paul was pretty much alone in prison. He wrote this letter to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders in the faith. While in prison he asked friends to bring him his books, papers (perhaps parts of the OT, the Gospels and other manuscripts) that had been in his possession. 

SPECIAL FEATURES: Being Paul’s final letter, he shares his heart and his personal priorities, which were: sound doctrine, steadfast faith, confident endurance, and a lasting love.


                  Paul’s introduction was tender, with his love for Timothy exuding from each phrase. He reminds his “son in the faith” that which is necessary to be a faithful minister for Christ. Paul continued by telling Timothy to remember his calling from God and to be sure to utilize the gift of boldness, which is within his grasp. Timothy was cautioned to keep to the truth, prepare others to follow him into ministry, as Paul was doing now. He was to be disciplined and prepared to endure suffering for the sake of Christ. Then Paul challenges Timothy to hold to sound doctrine, reject scriptural error, correctly explain God’s word of truth, and keep his life pure and holy in honor of God. He was to avoid foolish talk, idle banter and/or gibberish, for they serve no heavenly purpose.

                  Next, Paul tells Timothy about the opposition he and other believers would be facing in the last days. It would largely come from self-centered people who use the church for their own financial gain by teaching false doctrines, thus drawing the faithful to follow them instead of Christ. Timothy is told to remember the real source of their opposition and find strength in the power of the Word of God. Paul admonishes him to preach the word, thus fulfilling his ministry until the end of his days.

                  Paul’s 2nd letter to Timothy happen to be his last words to him. The “missionary” apostle was known for his deep faith, undying love, constant sense of hope, tenacious conviction, and profound insight. All his writings were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Please recognize as you read this letter, that you are reading the last words of a great man of God.

                  Up next is a look at the Mega Themes found in 2nd Timothy. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible

After a year or two of freedom, Paul was arrested once again, but this time he was sentenced by Emperor Nero to be executed for preaching publicly about Jesus. Nero had determined to rid himself of the pesky Christians by crucifying them. - The Life Application Study Bible; p. 2701.

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