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Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Prophet Amos

             Amos was from Tekoa, a small town in Judah about 6 miles south of Bethlehem and 11 miles from Jerusalem. His name means “burden-bearer”. The date of this writing is roughly 755 BC. Amos was not a man of the court like Isaiah or a member of a priestly family like Jeremiah and Ezekiel. He earned his living as originally as a simple “sheep breeder”. Whether he owned the flocks and fig groves or only worked as a hired hand is not known. His skill with words and the extensive range of his general knowledge of history and the world reveal that he was more than just an ignorant peasant. His home was in Judah, so he was sent to announce God's judgment on the northern kingdom (Israel). He likely mainly ministered at Bethel, Israel's main religious sanctuary, where the upper echelons of the northern kingdom worship            

Amos was a godly man who was active during the period 760-755 BC. During that time period three other prophets were active in delivering God’s message; they were Joel, Isaiah, and Hosea.  He unexpectedly became a prophet during the 8th century BC, specifically around 760 BC. His prophetic calling unfolded during the reigns of Jeroboam II in the northern kingdom of Israel and Uzziah in the southern kingdom of Judah (Amos 1:1).

The purpose for God’s using Amos as His mouthpiece at this time was to pronounce judgment upon the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The economic blessing that the Lord had bestowed upon them had caused the people to become selfish and materialistic. They had begun to ignore the needs of the poor and less fortunate. Their self-centeredness caused them to become indifferent toward God. The Lord could have turned away from Israel due to their sinful disobedience, but his love for them ran so deep that he instead chose to punish them as a parent would punish a child. This was done as a means to bring the people to repentance. 

            Understanding that sin cannot intermingle with a holy God, Amos spoke out boldly against those who both exploited and ignored those in need. What Amos’ message from God was saying to the people of Israel and for that matter, the believers of today is that believing in God is much more than just ones individual faith. According to this writing all believers are to work against societal injustice and aid those who are less fortunate. Israel’s punishment would be being conquered by Assyria where the rich would be sold into slavery. You see, it matters little to God that you acquire wealth. The real issue is how you got it and what you do with it. Was it ill-gotten gain or accumulated wisely thru honest means. Also, what did you do with your wealth? Did you horde it or disperse it among those in need. Which would be the Godly approach? 

The next prophet we will take a look at is Obadiah. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; MacArthur Bible Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers.

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