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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Prophet Hosea

Today begins a look at the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. We begin with Hosea. I trust you will learn something you didn't already know and enjoy these postings as much as I did writing them. God bless ... 


            Here’s what we know about Hosea (hō–zāˈə). He was the son of Beeri (bē-ēˈrī). The name Hosea means “salvation”. The people he spoke his prophesies to were the people of Israel, which was the Northern Kingdom. This book was written in roughly 715 BC and recorded events from the period 753-715 BC. His ministry began during the end of a prosperous time in Israel. The reign of Jeroboam II brought moral decline, in that while the upper class were doing rather well, they were oppressing the poor people of that area, which angered God. Hosea was used by the Lord until a little after the fall of Samaria in 722 BC.

            Little did Hosea realize that God would choose to use his life as a living example of how Israel disregards and disrespects their Lord. Hosea was commanded by God to marry a woman (Gomer) who would be unfaithful to him, causing him much heartache. Hosea’s real life was meant to be an illustration of how easily someone can lose their appreciation for the special relationship they have with God. Christians back then and also today allow compromise to enter into their faith life and that is tantamount to adultery or being unfaithful to the Lord. 

            God was looking for the people from the Northern Kingdom to return to a life of worship as they honored him with their lives. However, they continued on with their evil ways, therefore the Lord makes it clear to them that disaster comes after disobedience mixed with a attitude of ingratitude. 

            Don’t allow yourself to forget God and become disloyal as a result of prosperity that you’ve been blessed with. Don’t let success cause you to dismiss your need for God’s love. 

Next time we will take a look at the Prophet Joel. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing!

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

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