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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thoughts on Healing …

We’ve been talking about when our prayers for healing don’t get answered, but perhaps we should have started with the most basic question that needs to be answered first … how do we know God hears our prayers?On the heels of the question “Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?” needs to be “Does God care for me?” or “Does God see my needs?”. Scripture is very clear regarding that topic: “… your (Heavenly) Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:8) Therefore God knows your needs without question. But does He care for you? "Cast your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) “The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” (Nahum 1:7) “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” (Psalm 55:22) So if you ever think to yourself that God must not care about you or your needs, whether they be physical, financial, or material, know that is an attack from the enemy for the scriptures above tell you something very different. 

            If the answer to your prayers happens to be “No”, you must understand that God sees the big picture, something we are incapable of doing. God can see the negative things that will come with what you are asking for.  Perhaps His answer to you is “Not Yet”. It could also mean He has something better in store. The Lord owes us no explanations, and certainly is not obligated to tell us when the answer is coming. God looks at everything from an eternal perspective. We look at the here and now. God has no time or space restraints. He is ubiquitous, in that He is all places at the same time by His Spirit. This is what being Omnipresent means and it is one of His key attributes, along with Omnipotence (all-powerful) and Omniscience (knowing all that can be known).

            God is never late or early, but always on time. We are easily bored, discouraged, frustrated and impatient, which makes the wait all the more painful. At times such as those our faith is being stretched. There are many things we don’t know and yet God knows it all. We need to trust that His way is the right way, and we must stop thinking and fretting about the answer that has the potential of never coming. There could be a variety of reasons known only to God as to why you aren’t receiving an answer to your prayer(s).  You must remember, without a definitive date to hang your hat on, we can never know when or even if we will receive an answer to our prayers. To know is to not exercise our faith, for faith is believing what you cannot see as if you can. And if your answer doesn’t come this side of heaven, it will come on the other side. You only think you need your answer instantly, but in reality, God knows exactly when it is needed and as said earlier, is ALWAYS on time. So chase from your mind His lack of love or understanding regarding any part of your life and / or immediate situation. He knows us far better than we will ever know ourselves. 

            This is the final post regarding Healing. I hope it ministered to your spirit. Next we are going to start a series on the Fruit of the Spirit.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


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