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Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Prophet Haggai

                 The name Haggai means “festal one”, suggesting that he was born on a feast day. It is the 2nd shortest book in the OT and is quoted only once in the NT in Hebrews 12:26. All the Minor Prophets up to this point had been sent by God to issue a warning of impending judgment due to sinful behavior. Haggai was commissioned to give a message to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah and Jeshua, the son of the High Priest to finish what they had started. The backstory is that in 586 BC the people of Judah were taken captive to Babylon and the Babylonian armies completely destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.  

The Jews were under the rule of Babylon until they were overtaken, and their empire destroyed by Persia. Persia king, Cyrus, a pagan, was moved upon by God and decided to allow the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem. This took place in 538 BC.  King Cyrus told the Jews to return to their own land and rebuild Jerusalem. The people, under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Jeshua, began the rebuilding process of the Temple in the year 536 BC. 

Israel’s enemies came to Zerubbabel asking to partake in the reconstruction of the Temple but were turned down. This refusal didn’t sit well with their enemies which resulted in much opposition.  Their opposition was so great that it made continuation of the work impossible. The rebuilding was resumed in 521 BC. Despite continued harassment by their neighbors, the Judeans persevered in the work.

            In the process of the rebuild, the people had begun to sin against God again so Haggai reminded them that God must always be their first priority.  This stands true for us today as well. If the Lord is first in your life he will be with you to lead and guide, to strengthen and encourage by His Holy Spirit within you. But if you do as you please placing yourself and your own needs as your first priority the Lord will not be with you.  To illustrate, having the Lord as your first priority is like walking into a pitch black room with a flashlight. Placing yourself and your own concerns first is like walking into a pitch black room with no light at all to show the way.

            The Jews finished the Temple but those who remembered the majesty of Solomon’s Temple, destroyed just 66 years earlier were disappointed with the new Temples inferior appearance. Haggai encouraged the people that the glory of this temple would far surpass that of the one which preceded it. The most important element of the new Temple was the presence of the Lord. Is the presence of the Lord real to you? Is he the top priority of your life? He needs to be, for if he is he will be with you and guide you thru this tangled web of a life. 

            Next we will take a look at the prophet Zechariah. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries 

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible;

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