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Thursday, August 18, 2016


Psalm 33:22 New Living Translation
“Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.
          Like faith, hope is having confidence in something you cannot yet see. It is a future expectation. Something we desire to take place. We can place our hope in people or things. We can hope for all inclusive, full-scale things like our government making wise decisions going forward. We can also hope for singular things like our car starting this morning. Hope is a wonderful emotion to have and is necessary if we are to survive. People without hope find that despair creeps into their hearts. Depression overtakes people with no hope. They begin to sink in a quagmire of despondency. Even Christians can fall into the trap of hopelessness. The enemy of our souls is an expert at delusion that causes us to see nothing but the problems that surround us. He takes our gaze off of God and places it squarely on that which causes our countenance to fall. It doesn’t need to be that way.
          The Lord is our hope. We never need to be without Him in our lives. He is within us by His Holy Spirit. Just as God is love, He is also the embodiment of hope. Our faith and confidence lie in a person and not just any person, but the One person who created us and is more than capable of providing for and sustaining us throughout our lives. With God we have nothing to fear. With God we have nothing to be concerned about. With God we have a future and a hope. With God we have the promise of an eternal home. All that gives us hope. If we have even the slightest trust in God at all then that should be seen as very good news. There is nothing anyone can do to us that God cannot protect us from. His love for us is so incredibly strong and unfailing that we can rely on it. He never has nor would He ever not love us. His love is deep and eternal. It reaches down into the furthest depths of our soul and reveals to us the passionate feelings He has for His creation. And therein lies our hope. There is always hope where there is love. We may not see or understand the depths of the love that our God has for us, but that doesn’t stop it from being a reality. So be of good cheer my brothers, lift up your heads my sisters, for you are loved by the God who created you and in that deep, abiding, infinite love there is everlasting and eternal hope. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible; published by Tyndale House.

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