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Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Matthew 5:38-39a (CEV) “You know that you have been taught, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to try to get even with a person who has done something to you.”

Throughout our lives we are taught by our parents to stick up for ourselves; to defend ourselves. The example Christ gives us when he was brought before Pilate may make you shudder in disbelief. With all the powers of heaven at His disposal, Christ neither said nor did anything to defend himself, let alone take His revenge on them. He remained silent when He could have explained the entire situation, more than likely to Pilate’s satisfaction, but this was not part of His Father’s plan. It was preordained that Christ would die a horrific death on a criminal’s cross to complete what His Father had put in place. When He uttered the words “It is finished”, He was referring to the salvation plan for all man. He bore our sins for us, all the while never thinking of striking out in retaliation towards those who doled out His undeserved punishment.

Would we be able to do the same? I would like to think I would, but when push comes to shove, I would probably wilt under the weight of it. We are representatives of Christ; ambassadors for Him. When people know we are Christians they scrutinize us to find fault with us. Some may even attempt to goad us into a fight or disagreement.

Romans 12:18 (CEB) “If possible, to the best of your ability, live at peace with all people.”

Romans 14:19 (CEB) “So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.”

Notice that Paul says in Romans 12:18 “if possible, to the best of your ability … “ … at times people leave you no alternative. We are, however, to strive to live at peace. We must also understand this: God will exact retribution when He knows the time is right. Your enemies will bring it on themselves and God will then allow the consequences of their actions to declare their guilt. There is no escaping the judgment of God. That is why Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. It is not fear as in terror, but rather fear as in awe, reverence and respect. Those that “fear” the Lord shall seek to live by His precepts. Those who scoff at the Lord live for themselves. They know nothing of the power and majesty of our Creator God. They don’t know what they are doing when they move against a child of God. Our Heavenly Father knows exactly how to get their attention and deal with them. He knows all about them and will take care of them when the time is right. He will also offer them mercy, something we may find difficult to do.

Not lashing out at those who harm us whether verbally or physically, is extremely hard. We must be strong in the grace and knowledge of the Lord to achieve such a reaction to wrong doing. Remember, consequences apply to your reaction to any given situation as well, so think before you speak and before you act. It is very appropriate to act in a way that Jesus would act or react in any given situation. Condition yourself to do just that and you may find it easier to live at peace with those around you. It comes from spending time with your Heavenly Father. Get to know His ways and you will begin to emulate them. That is what He wants for you.


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