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Monday, February 6, 2012


Proverbs 21:23 (GNT) If you want to stay out of trouble, be careful what you say.”

Proverbs 21:23 (NLT) Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.”

It is well documented with people who know me that I am loud. I don’t mean to be loud, but when I am excited about something I let fly with shouts of excitement that would put a fog horn to shame. I don’t seem to have an “inside” voice; my voice, booming and resonating as it is, was designed for open air stadiums only without question. I also tend to think that in certain circumstances every word out of my voice is hysterically funny. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it’s not.  The phrase “you can’t get too much of a good thing” does not apply to me. Finally, after 56 years of living, I am beginning to learn an important lesson: there are times when saying nothing is far better than saying anything at all.

I believe God has given me the gift of encouragement and edification. A sincere word of encouragement can act as a balm to heal the most broken of hearts. Building another up in their spirit with words of compassion and mercy is a noble cause that God honors and can be used to bring healing to the broken hearted.  When I feel I am “in the zone” spiritually speaking, I am safe and speak that which God lays upon my heart. When I am not, there have been times that anything is liable to come out of my mouth.

The Good News Translation version of Proverbs 21:23 is very fitting for me: “if you want to stay out of trouble, be careful what you say.” I can remember a few times when I wish THAT verse was blazing in neon in front of me before I opened my mouth. Proverbs 17:28 goes something like this: “Even a fool seems wise when he holds his tongue”.

So many people seem to wear as a badge of honor the fact that they “just tell it like it is”. All well and good, however, the feelings and emotions of others MUST be calculated into the equation so as to avoid hurt. Many a good intentioned person has wounded another person’s heart by simply “tellin’ it like it is”. We all need to be willing to be taught by God to use wisdom. The phrase “discretion is the better part of valor” would be appropriate here.

DISCRETION (def): the ability or power to act responsibly.

Instead of opening your mouth and letting it fly, think responsibly. Will what you are about to say build up or tear down. If you are not sure, then hold your tongue or as the New Living Translation puts it “keep your mouth shut and you will stay out of trouble.” Some of us never learned how to keep our mouths shut. God can teach you. He wants to use you to bring healing and not additional hurt to others. Are you willing to be taught? Are you willing to be used? THAT is what’s required of you if you want to be a better person for Christ; a teachable spirit. Learn from God. Let His Holy Spirit permeate your mind and flow through you, making you all you can be for God. Don’t let your body simply BE the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let Him lead and guide you into all good things so that you may be the most effective for  the Kingdom of God.


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