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Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Psalm 97:12 (GNT) “All you that are righteous be glad because of what the Lord has done! Remember what the holy God has done, and give thanks to him.”

Philippians 3:9 (GNT) “I no longer have a righteousness of my own, the kind that is gained by obeying the Law. I now have the righteousness that is given through faith in Christ, the righteousness that comes from God and is based on faith.”

Did you realize that once you give your life over to Christ, in addition to having all your past sins removed as if they were never committed, you were looked upon by God as being RIGHTEOUS?

RIGHTEOUS (def): Morally upright; without guilt or sin.

To put it in simple terms, God now sees us through Jesus glasses. We are clean and stand righteous before Him by virtue of what Christ did for us on Calgary’s cross. We are to be glad because of what the Lord has done. We are to always remember not only what God through Christ has done for us, but remember to thank you on a constant basis.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful day where we feast on fowl and all the trimmings. There is football and family and it is a great time. Somewhere in the middle of all of that our thanks to God is squeezed. Perhaps a prayer prior to eating … nothing more. I submit to you that we should be in an attitude of thanks and gratefulness daily towards our God, for without Him and what He graciously did for us where would we all be? I shudder to think of where I would be without Christ in my life. My life would be a mere shadow of what it is now. And it is all because of God. His mercy and grace saved my life from a certain death at the hands of my own selfish desires. There is no doubt that we as a group are our own worst enemies. We make wrong decisions based on wants rather than needs and get ourselves into all sorts of trouble all by ourselves. The curious thing about it is that even the unbeliever cries out to God for help when they have come to the end of their rope, but to receive Him into their lives and make positive changes, well, it simply never occurred to them.

We, the righteous ones of God, are to give thanks for what He has done for us. To list these things would take forever. Our faith is based on belief in an unseen deity who has never been seen. The very nature of faith is intertwined in trust. One cannot exist without the other.

Do you trust God today? You can. You cry out to Him only when you feel you need Him most, but I tell you, you need Him always. If you embrace God you receive the greatest love you have ever experienced. Think of it. The One who created you in your mother’s womb loves you and that love will never change. Ever. He loved you before you ever knew Him. He will love you even if you curse Him. He desires to usher you into His family where there is peace, joy, comfort and love. The Christian life is not a perfect life free from problems or pain, but you have the Spirit of God to guide you through each set of circumstances you will ever encounter. People consider drugs, alcohol, adultery, gambling … anything to sooth their pain, but the pain doesn’t go away. It is still there when the dust settles and the sun rises on a new day. You cannot escape life’s hardships no matter what you do. However, you can go through them with a smile on your face, knowing in your heart that God is in complete control of all things. You don’t have to simply endure, you can enjoy life to the fullest in the face of calamity. God doesn’t remove obstacles, but rather teaches you, if you will listen, to deal effectively with all life’s many issues. Surrender to God.


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