If you look up the word ‘blessed’ it says endowed with divine favor and protection. Those who are children of God, who have received the forgiveness of God through the sacrificial death of His Son Jesus Christ, are blessed. We are called to live lives that fall in line with the standards set by our Heavenly Father. We are also recipients of His limitless grace. Grace is favor we do not deserve on our own; it is given to us in spite of ourselves and our natural inclinations. It is as the Holy Spirit of God begins to make interior alterations to us that our natural inclinations change, slowly making us more like our Heavenly Father. We no longer have the same desires we once had. We no longer wish to ‘walk in step’ with non-believers. Slowly we become more conscience of His presence in our lives. We begin to make decisions based on how God sees things.
There was a time in my life when I would pass by believers as they lifted their hands up in worship to God and laugh, thinking of them as blind sheep who looked ridiculous as I headed to the college campus newspaper office to put the final touches on a sports article for that week’s edition. Sometime later I was in there with them lifting up my hands in worship to the obtainable God. We are largely unaware of what we need in our lives. We don’t realize that everything begins and ends with Almighty God. We don’t understand and we never will, yet our allegiance is required and even demanded of us. It is a small price to pay but we still have our free will intact and may leave the comfort and security of His care at any time. Grasping what Christ went through for you and me helps us pledge our allegiance for without the blood of Christ, we would be lost in our sins with no hope of redemption. While we are not being asked to literally meditate on the law of God day and night to the exclusion of all else, we are to read and know His laws and precepts for in them is life and right living; living that brings joy, peace, hope and fulfillment.
Walk with the King today and be a blessing!!