“So long as we are receivers of mercy we must be givers of thanks. Mercy permits us to enter his gates; … .””Let the praise be in your heart as well as on your tongue, and let it all be for him to whom it all belongs. And bless his name. He blessed you, bless him in return; bless his name, his character, his person.” *
The mercy of God is upon us whether we feel it or realize it. If we are genuine Christians who have a bona fide relationship with our Heavenly Father and are not Christian in name alone then we are under God’s grace. It is His unmerited or undeserved favor. I repeat these terms and phrases often in my writings so we (and I) never forget them. May we never make His grace a cheap thing.
When we enter into a relationship with God and our heart begins to change towards all that which we encounter, we should begin to feel a compulsion to give God thanks. We should feel a deep, abiding sense of gratitude to the One who set us free from sin and cleansed us from the filth and stench of this world. We must see God as our all in all, our provider and sustainer, our protector and defender. We could never praise His name enough for all He has done for us. We would be lost forever if it were not for God. No other god can compare. No other religion can match the faithfulness and love our God bestows upon His followers. We are His children. We are, like King David, the apple of His eye. Jesus Christ willingly suffered unspeakable torture for something He did not do; yet He willingly bore our sin … every last one of them. For this we are to worship Him. How come we barely pay Him any mind so frequently in our lives? I believe it is because we do not understand. We don’t even try in many cases. Knowing God is one of the greatest things we can ever do in our lives. We will never find a greater friend, confidant, counselor or guide then the Holy Spirit. For all this we are to give thanks and not just on a certain day in November each year. We are to give thanks for our God and TO our God each day for without the breathe He provides for us to breath we would perish. Thanks be to God for His indescribable love, mercy and grace.
* Treasury of David; Charles H. Spurgeon; http://www.spurgeon.org/treasury/ps100.htm