Christians are to be a praying people. I asked myself one time years ago, ‘if God knows everything why do we pray?’ It wasn’t long after that I realized we pray for OUR benefit, not God’s. God is intimately aware of all things. He is never taken by surprise. We seek His face so that we can see our God act on our behalf or on the behalf of another. We don’t pray out of desperation and we don’t ever have to plead or beg. God knows what we are in need of and shall take good care of us. We need to pray for others, for they may not know how to pray. They may not even know God in a personal way. We need to thank God in the face of trials for they are a testing of our faith. If God didn’t know you could handle what you were going through He never would have sent it your way. This is pleasing in the sight of God. Scripture is clear; God doesn’t want anyone to be cast out, but all to be redeemed. The truth is right before us, yet so many do not have the spiritual eyesight to see. Jesus Christ was wholly God and wholly human when on this earth. He was sent to pay our sin debt. He paid not just a portion of our debt, but rather, paid it all. When we receive the forgiveness of God we stand as Adam and Eve stood in the Garden in the beginning, sinless. We are not in any way, shape or form perfect so we do not remain sinless for long. As we grow in the knowledge of the truth we change within, slowly becoming just a little more like Christ each day. It is a determination we must all make; to live our lives for Him instead of ourselves. We will never take on Godly characteristics if we do not cultivate our relationship with the living God. We are to lay our requests before God in Jesus’ name and wait for our responses. Our faith and trust in God needs to be strong and unwavering. With our faith we please God and with our trust we begin to operate in the spirit. This too is good and pleasing to God.
Walk with the King today and be a blessing!!