To ‘invoke’ is to call upon a deity or spirit in prayer. Scripture is essentially telling us that no other name that can be called upon for inspiration or assistance is any higher or has more authority than the name of Christ. Sadly, millions of people today either don’t even believe in God, let alone Jesus Christ. Millions more see him as nothing more than just another moral teacher or prophet. Scripture tells a different story and within that story is the truth that God is powerful. As example, with great exerted force God raised Christ from the dead, thus defeating death and the grave. This is a foreshadowing of what is to come, when the dead shall rise first than all those who are living and remain shall rise to meet Christ in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17).
This is the same power that is at our disposal to do great and mighty things for God. We don’t invoke the name of Christ often enough. In this day and age where challenges abound, we can call of the name of Jesus to provide peace in the midst of life’s storms. We can call on His name for whatever we need as long within the parameters of God’s will. He has promised to provide for and sustain us (Matthew 6:25-34). Any need we have shall be provided for. Is it always immediate? No, perhaps not, but as we place all our trust in God we shall find that He will not forsake or forget us. In the end, we will realize that our help came just as promised exactly when it was needed the most; many times from an unexpected source.
Christ has power and authority over all things as given to Him by the Father. There is nothing that can befall us that He cannot rectify. He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. Nothing escapes His gaze and nothing is impossible for Him. When we invoke the name of Christ, we can know that we will be taken care of for He has authority and dominion over all creation. It is simply a matter of faith and trust.
Walk with the King today and be a blessing!!