Peter shows his knowledge of the Psalms by quoting Psalm 34:12-16. This shows us two things, 1) that it is good and helpful to know scripture so that you can call on it when necessary; 2) scripture is good for instruction. These verses are applicable to us today for I believe it is the natural tendency of man to want to repay evil with evil or insult with insult. God asks us to do the opposite. Bless those who insult us or do evil deeds against us? How hard is that? Very hard. God isn’t concerned with how difficult we may think such a thing is to do, He simply asks us to do it. He has a plan. His plan is that none should perish, but that all would come to the saving knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:9). You see, God knows that if we repay with kindness we will pour out hot coals upon their heads (Romans 12:20). It is a way of causing them mental anguish. The idea behind it is to lead them to repentance. Anyone can repay evil for evil. It takes discipline and trust in God’s word to do otherwise.
We are called to keep our tongues from evil by not concealing the truth or misrepresenting it in any way when speaking with others. That is exactly what deceitful speech is. We are to do a 180 from evil deeds and do good instead. As we pursue peace we shall invariably find it. Our promise from God is that His eyes are ever on us as we strive to live for Him. He hears us when we pray; He answers us when He knows it is the right time. We must dust off our cloak of patience and endure for what at times may seem an eternity for His instructions; however, as we grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ we begin to realize that His answers are always appropriate and exactly when they are needed. Our Heavenly Father is never late … ever. We must remember not to repay evil with evil for the Lord is against those who do evil and shall repay them in like kind at a time of His choosing. Even those we come to despise in this life are loved by God. He doesn’t wish to see them cast out. Our patient kindness to those who come against us will reap us blessings in heaven.
Walk with the King today and be a blessing!!