With the world calling to us constantly, we as Christians must turn from the points of view and the value system that are in it. This is not something we can do easily. Hebrews tells us in 12:1 to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles”. Dabbling in the ways of the world hinders our spiritual growth. We cannot stand with one foot in the water and one on dry land and not expect to get wet. In the same vein, we cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in the church; it doesn’t work that way. We will favor one and turn from the other. While it is true that we are living in the world, we do not have to conform to its pattern of thought, language and deed. We mustn’t, as bona fide believers, allow the world to influence us too heavily.
We are told to be transformed, which means to be thoroughly and dramatically changed in form, appearance or character. In our case, the character transformation is what we are after. This renewing that Paul is speaking of comes from knowing God intimately. We can only know God intimately through the reading of His word; however, we are not to read it as we would any other book for the Bible is not just any other book but rather God’s directives to His children. The more we immerse ourselves in its content and begin to apply that which we have read, the more we will become like our Lord.
His will for our lives is very important, or at least it should be. God’s will is good as opposed to bad, pleasing to Him and perfect in every way because He is perfect. I have often heard it said that ‘the safest place to be is smack dab in the middle of God’s will’. The strange thing about it all is that Christians so often seem to want to dance as close to the edge of the ledge as possible without falling. I have taken a turn or two near the edge myself. The draw can be intense at times which is why it is nothing to play with. If we focus on the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) we will be safe. The world has nothing of any eternal value to offer us. This world is not our home; we are merely passing through it to our ultimate destination – heaven.