There is a day coming sometime in the future when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will return for the church. Now obviously, He is not returning for a building, but rather for those who have received the redemption God has offered through the death of His Son. It is not a blanket pardon that God offers, but it is a pardon that is available to all. We must ask for it. Once we are ‘saved’ from having to make the payment owed for our sin, we have nothing to fear regarding His return. In fact, it is called in scripture the Blessed Hope of the Church (Titus 2:13).
The Bible is very clear, as shown in the above verses in Matthew 24, that no one except God, the Father, knows when Christ’s return will take place. It’s not a secret; it’s something that He has determined His children don’t need to know. In a way it’s like an unannounced safety inspection at a factory. If the company knew in advance when the safety inspector was coming they would no doubt make quick adjustments to cover up any hazards they may have. I worked in the industrial sector for over 25 years and trust me, there are cover ups done all the time. The problem with anyone trying to make their life look tidier is that God sees through our exterior directly into our hearts. So the solution to that problem is to ‘live ready’.
Living ready is like having your bags already packed for a vacation. You may not know exactly when you will be leaving, but you are ready to go at any time. Scripture promises us that if we draw close to God He will draw close to us (James 4:7-8). The closer we are to God the more we will know Him and what pleases Him. If we live ready we won’t be caught off guard or by surprise. Christ’s return is a well thought out plan by God and will take place after He feels all in His creation have been given an opportunity to accept or reject the redemptive work of Christ’s death. Are you ready to go be with the Lord? He’s returning for us someday. We must live ready.