Justification - the action of declaring or making righteous in the sight of God.
Righteous - morally right; virtuous (having or showing high moral standards).
“… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God …” (Romans 3:23)
“There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God.” (Romans 3:10b-11)
Due to man’s sin in the Garden of Eden we are left with a heavy debt. There is nothing we can do to become righteous in and of ourselves. The debt hangs like a millstone around our necks. Do you have any idea how heavy a millstone is? “Millstone #2 - 72" Diameter x 14" High Est. Weight = 4,950 lbs.” (*) You may think of your sin as a 5000 lb weight draped around your neck. The sad thing about it is that so many people don’t even realize that it’s there. It doesn’t have to be that way. A payment has been made.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, willingly died to bear our sin. Think of the weight he bore from all our sins. It was a crushing weight on his heart, yet He did it without hesitation. It was part of God’s plan of salvation. He saved us from sin; He saved us from ourselves. God made it so that the gap between man and Himself was bridged forevermore. Christ’s death and resurrection justified us; it made us righteous in the eyes of God. Make no mistake about it, we were all dead men walking. Without God’s pardon we would have died in our sinful state. We really need to ponder that thought allowing it to fully sink in. After such an event as salvation our lives need not ever be the same and they shouldn’t be. Those who walk away from such an event unchanged don’t understand the magnitude of the gift that has been given to them. It’s like the person who flat lined in a hospital bed and was jump started back to life. We have been given a wonderful gift, a second chance. What will we do with this gift of new life? Will we share it? Will we seek to understand the profoundness of it and strive to make the most of our life for others? Or will it be business as usual? Don’t let God’s grace become a cheap thing to be trampled underfoot. Embrace this second chance and live your life for God.
(*) [http://www.greystonequarries.com]